2444 St Joseph Blvd, Ottawa, ON K1C 1G1
Areas We Serve: Orleans, Blackburn Hamlet, Navan, Gloucester, Vanier, East Ottawa, Central Ottawa, South Keys, Findlay Creek, Nepean, Bayshore, Kanata, Stittsville      Areas We Serve: Orleans, Blackburn Hamlet, Navan, Gloucester, Vanier, East Ottawa, Central Ottawa, South Keys, Findlay Creek, Nepean, Bayshore, Kanata, Stittsville      Areas We Serve: Orleans, Blackburn Hamlet, Navan, Gloucester, Vanier, East Ottawa, Central Ottawa, South Keys, Findlay Creek, Nepean, Bayshore, Kanata, Stittsville      Areas We Serve: Orleans, Blackburn Hamlet, Navan, Gloucester, Vanier, East Ottawa, Central Ottawa, South Keys, Findlay Creek, Nepean, Bayshore, Kanata, Stittsville      Areas We Serve: Orleans, Blackburn Hamlet, Navan, Gloucester, Vanier, East Ottawa, Central Ottawa, South Keys, Findlay Creek, Nepean, Bayshore, Kanata, Stittsville


Hill Parking:

1- Uphill Without Curb:

  • Turn the wheel all the way to the right
  • Place the car in park
  • Put the emergency brake on

2- Uphill with curb:

  • Turn the wheel all the way to the left
  • Place the car in reverse and reverse until you feel the tire touch the curb
  • Place the car in park
  • Put the emergency brake on

3- Downhill without curb:

  • Turn the wheel all the way to the right
  • Place the car in park
  • Put the emergency brake on

4- Downhill with curb:

  • Turn the wheel all the way to the right
  • Drive forward until you feel the tire touch the curb
  • Place the car in park
  • Put the emergency brake on
    3 Point Turn:

    Step 1:

    • Signal right
    • Check centre mirror, right mirror and right shoulder
    • Pull over to the right and stop
    • Signal left
    • Turn the wheel all the way to the left
    • Check centre mirror, left mirror and left shoulder
    • Drive close to the curb then stop

    Step 2:

    • Put the car in reverse
    • Signal right
    • Turn the wheel all the way to the right
    • Look left, look right then look thru the back window
    • Back up until you get close to the curb and stop

    Step 3:

    • Put the car in drive
    • Signal left
    • Turn the wheel all the way to the left
    • Look right then look where you want to go (left) and procced driving
    Parallel Parking (Method 1):

    Step 1:

    • Signal right
    • Check centre mirror, right mirror and right shoulder
    • Stop 1 meter away from the car you want to parallel park with
    • Place the other car’s break light in the middle of the triangle window of your car, if your car doesn’t have a triangle window then put the break light at the end of the back window
    • Turn the wheel all the way to the right
    • Check centre mirror, left mirror and left shoulder
    • Back up until car is 45 degrees

    Step 2:

    • Make the wheel straight
    • back up until your right-side mirror covers the licence plate of the other car

    Step 3:

    • Turn the wheel all the way to the left, back up until the car is straight
    • Place the car in park and put the emergency brake on
    Parallel Parking (Method 2):

    Step 1:

    • Signal right
    • Check centre mirror, right mirror and right shoulder before braking
    • Stop 1 meter away from the car you want to parallel park with
    • Place the other car’s break light in the middle of the triangle window, if your car doesn’t have a triangle window then put the break light at the end of the back window
    • Turn the wheel one time to the right
    • Check the centre mirror, left mirror and left shoulder
    • Back up until your right mirror covers the left break light (left corner) of the car you’re parking with and stop

    Step 2:

    • Turn the wheel all the way to the left, back up until car is straight
    • Place the car in park and put the emergency brake on
    Parallel Parking (Method 3):

    Step 1:

    • Signal right
    • Check centre mirror, right mirror and right shoulder before braking
    • Stop 1 meter away from the car you want to parallel park with
    • Align your right-side mirror with the side mirror of the car you’re parallel parking with
    • Turn the wheel all the way to the right
    • Check the centre mirror, left mirror and left shoulder
    • Back up until you’re 45 degrees
    • Wheel straight, back up until you see the back of the car (back-right tire) close to the curb in the small blind spot mirror (not too close)
    • Wheel all the way to the left, back up until car is straight 
    • Park and parking brake
    Front Parking:
    • Position car on the opposite side of where you want to park
    • Signal the direction you’ll be going
    • place shoulder in the middle of the parking space before the one you want to park into
    • Turn the wheel all the way towards the direction you’re parking
    • Drive inside the parking space until car is straight then stop
    • Make the wheel straight and fully go inside the parking space
    Reverse Parking:
    • Signal the direction you’ll be going
    • Position car 1 metre away from the end of parking spaces
    • Go two parking spaces away from the parking space you want to park into (if the parking space you want to park into is #1 then you have to go forward to parking space #3)
    • Place the last line (outer line of parking space #3) in the middle of the door
    • Turn the wheel all the way towards the direction you want to park
    • Put the car in reverse
    • Look thru the back window and back up until the car is straight
    • Once car is straight, stop, make wheel straight and back up fully inside the parking spot
    Right turn on One-way stop sign:
    • Signal right
    • Check centre mirror before breaking
    • Stop behind the white line (If there’s no line, stop behind the crosswalk or sidewalk, if there’s no sidewalk/crosswalk then stop at the edge of the road/curb)
    • Look left and right while you’re stopped
    • If you can’t see the whole road, move forward slowly, steer to the right and look left for cars
    • If there’s cars, stop and wait until the way is clear then check right shoulder and turn
    • If there’s no cars coming from the left, check the right shoulder and go without stopping
    Left turn on One-way stop sign:
    • Signal left
    • Check centre mirror before breaking
    • Stop behind the white line (If there’s no line, stop behind the crosswalk/sidewalk, if there’s no sidewalk/crosswalk then stop at the edge of the road/curb)
    • Look left and right while you’re stopped
    • Move forward slowly and keep the wheel straight and look left and right for cars
    • If there’s cars, stop and wait until the way is clear then check the left shoulder and turn
    • If there’s no cars coming from the left and right, check the left shoulder and go without stopping
    Right turn on All-way stop sign:
    • Signal right
    • Check centre mirror before breaking
    • As you’re coming to the stop pay attention to the other cars stopping at the intersection to see who stopped first
    • Stop behind the white line
    • Look left and right while you’re stopped
    • Check right shoulder and turn
    Left turn on All-way stop sign:
    • Signal left
    • Check centre mirror before breaking
    • As you’re coming to the stop check to see who stopped first
    • Stop behind the white line (when the line disappears, you can roll forward a bit then stop)
    • Look left and right while you’re stopped
    • Check left shoulder and turn
    Right turn on green:
    • Signal right
    • Check centre mirror before breaking
    • If there’s no pedestrians on the right-side crossing, then check the right shoulder without stopping or slowing down too much and turn
    • If there’s pedestrians, then stop, wait for them to clear your way then check the right shoulder and turn
    Left turn on green:
    • Signal left
    • Check centre mirror before breaking
    • Check to see if there’s any cars on the oncoming traffic side going straight, turning right or any pedestrians crossing on the left side
    • If there’s nothing, check left shoulder without stopping and turn
    • If there’s cars or pedestrians, then stop in the middle of the intersection as close to the left side as possible while keeping the car and the wheel straight
    • Wait until the way is clear then check left shoulder and turn
    Right turn on red:
    • Signal right
    • Check centre mirror before breaking
    • Stop behind the white line
    • Look left and right for pedestrians while you’re stopped (3 seconds)
    • Move forward slowly and steer to the right and look left for cars
    • If there’s cars, stop and wait until the way is clear then check right shoulder and turn
    • if there’s no cars coming from the left then check the right shoulder and go without stopping
    Right turn on yield:
    • Signal right
    • Check centre mirror before breaking
    • If there’s pedestrians stop behind the pedestrian’s crosswalk
    • If there’s no pedestrians, then don’t stop and procced slowly while looking left for cars
    • If there’s cars, stop after the pedestrian’s crosswalk, if there’s no cars then pick up speed and go to the right lane
    left turn on green arrow:
    • If you have the green arrow then you’re the priority, you can signal, look where you want to go and turn